January 27, 2012


A friend of mine mailed me this koo postcard (above). It reminds me of a James Brown live performance I stumbled upon recently (below) the colors in both have  a vividness to them I really dig.

Below is an interview with producer Flying Lotus in which he breaks down his craft, bio, and more.
I found it refreshing to hear an artist be very open 'n honest without all the P.R.

January 8, 2012


Awhile since my last post uh...I put some new paintings in the paintings/illustrations section, one of them is the painting below which was originally intended to be the cover for the second issue of children of the black circus but turned into something entirely different but I still mite use it for the cover.Below that is a panel from the second issue. I'm almost done with the book and plan on having it done/ready to sell/ship in late spring (2012). Below that are various drawings n' sketches some old some fairly new ...Happy New Year folks.